Empire Avenue

7 January, 2011 Leave a comment

Reasonblogs has a ticker at the popular Social networking/marketing website Empire Avenue. Empire Avenue is a wonderful way to get an indication of a specific person or company’s e-value as seen from several “social influence” measurements. The site itself lets ticker owners sell stock in themselves to other users in the way stocks are traded on the open market.

Check out REASONBLOGS at Empire Avenue.

Thanks for reading!

Rb Admin

Categories: press-release Tags: , ,

Categorizing blogs in a reasonable manner

5 January, 2011 Leave a comment

In the course of developing the website,  planning stages need to be fully disclosed to prevent any potentially unsatisfactory results in the websites appearance or functionality. While all parties (readers online) cannot be satisfied, the site should attempt to ensure about 80% get an experience that is easy to comprehend, navigate and use on a daily basis.

The blogs themselves should be categorized, instead of being lumped into arbitrary “Popular” measurements and “New” measurements. Also, it would be useless to lump them into a long list based on nothing at all. So, the following breakdown has been proposed and will, no doubt, be refined as time goes on.

  • Politics – Blogs dealing with promoting reason in politics, constitutional values and other politically motivated blogs from skeptics/atheists/rationalists (USSCoco.reasonblogs.org)
  • Philosophy – Blogs about philosophical context or inquiry (too many examples to name them all.
  • General Interest – Blogs about Science, Sports, Entertainment, Movies, Music… all through the lens of reason, skepticism or rationalism
  • Atheism – Blogs of interest to nonbelievers (AA Blog, FFRF blog)
  • Activism – Blogs of note or interest about activist efforts, or ideas
  • Comedy – Blogs about reason/skepticism/atheism/etc that are humorous in nature
  • Charity – Secular charity blogs, or charity blog posts of note (MSF/RSF blog)
  • News – Blogs on current events through a reasonable or rationalist/skeptic/atheist perspective (Young Turks‘ many blogs)

These are in no specific order, and all readers should remember that the point of reasonblogs.org is to facilitate the need of people to seek out blogs where REASON is applied.

Reasonblogs.org appreciates Carol E. Roper for asking the important question that lead to this posting.

Thanks for reading!

Rb Admin

Categories: press-release Tags: ,

First Blog – USSCoCo

2 January, 2011 Leave a comment

Jeffrey Wismer is the proud owner of the first reasonblog home-brew blogs.


United States Secular Constitution Coalition (USSCoCo)

If you would like to contribute content to this blog contact Jeff at jdwismer922@gmail.com

Enjoy USSCoCo! Thanks for reading!

Rb Admin

reasonblogs.org is here!

2 January, 2011 Leave a comment

Hey there!

The year 2011 will be reasonblogs.org’s first year in operation.  It is THE network of freethinkers, secularists, rationalists, atheists and humanists who blog and write with a passion for reason.

Follow reasonblogs on Twitter



And please share… you know the deal bloggers. The ironic commandment of bloggings “Thou shalt post”.  More updates as our site improves and the number of blogs in our listing increases.

Contact eric@reasonblogs.org if you would like to: add you blog to the listing, be a home-brew blogger for reasonblogs, or if you would like to just have your blogs content syndicated through reasonblogs.org (for traffic).  The only stipulation is a link or ad for reasonblogs.org

Thanks for reading! Check back soon for updates.

Rb admin